Fearless. Passionate. Experienced.

Helping organizations achieve their EDI objectives.

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Assembling the tools needed to move forward.

Many organizations are moving ahead with EDI initiatives. These are necessary to ensure a welcoming environment for all. But while the vision of EDI may be well-intentioned, the actual application can encounter many complex challenges. If these challenges are not adequately recognized, EDI initiatives may lead to alienation among those to feel welcome, and resentment – and EDI fatigue – across the board. The solution is to find ways to connect various groups so that all are valued members of the team, and this is achieved by having EDI efforts seen as personally meaningful.

Andrics Insights uses a variety of tools to help organizations reach EDI goals, and to optimize success. We identify the various points in an EDI process that need attention, and provide the insight needed to address challenges, ensuring all members feel welcomed by their organization.

Our Services

Behavioural analysis

We design surveys specific to the context of a particular organization. These surveys seek to understand an array of social-psychological dynamics that are key to fostering paradigmic change.

Policy analysis

Organizations expend a considerable amount of energy on developing suitable policies to advance EDI objectives. Our expertise will help determine the strengths and challenges of policies in order to optimize results.